SurvPC Esri provides the ability to create and edit ArcGIS data to produce up-to-date maps.
Create and Edit the ArcMap Document from the ‘Map View’ screen
Create from the Map View screen
The Map View screen allows for points, lines, and polygons to be created and edited from the Map View screen. The associated attributes associated to a feature code can also be entered or edited from the Map View screen.
Create a Point from the Map View screen
To create a point in the Map View screen, select COGO → Create Points → Draw Locate Points (Sketch).
The object snap options (OSNAP) for point creation can be used. In this example, the freehand snap is used to allow selection of a new point directly from the map.
Click anywhere on the map to create a new point. The user will be prompted for attributes based on the feature type. The feature type can be manually selected by double-clicking on the Feature dialog box.
Double-clicking on the ‘Feature:’ dialog box will open the ‘Feature Manager’ screen. In this screen, the user can select which feature type the newly created point will be associated with.
Once the feature type is double-clicked on, enter the remaining attribute data required. Click ‘Save’ to complete the point creation process.
Note: Once this point is created with an associated feature code, it cannot be augmented.
Create a Line or Polygon from the Map View screen
In order to create a line or polygon, first set the current layer to a polyline or polygon layer. Select the preferred layer and click on the ‘Current’ button. The layer selected will be part of a coding structure of which an MXD (or aliased MXD) will be associated. The MXD will have attributes assigned to it as part of the ArcMap schema. MXD information is located in the Survey and Remeasure Features with Attribute Data section of this manual. The attribute list may be viewed and edited from File → Feature Code.
Select Draw → Polyline → 2D (Sketch) to begin drawing a line or polygon.
Select the preferred drawing method, here the freehand icon is used.
Proceed with line or polygon creation. A simple polygon can be created using the ‘Close’ command. A simple line can be created with the ‘End’ command.
Once the line or polyline is created, the ‘Add GIS Data’ screen is shown where relevant GIS attribute data may be entered. The attribute list may be viewed and edited from File → Feature Code.
Edit from the Map View screen
Features can be edited directly from the Map View screen, provided they are configured as selectable. If a feature is not selectable, then changes cannot be made from the Map View screen. A non-selectable feature can only be viewed from the Map View screen. A feature can be configured as selectable within the Feature Manager. Some Map Administrators preconfigure features as non-selectable to limit workflow complications.
Elements in the ArcMap document contain information beyond its specific location. This information is stored as GIS Attribute data. Element selection from the Map View screen will allow the user to view / edit GIS Attribute data.
Symbology is an important component in any map. Intuitive symbology relays information both quickly and effectively. The ArcGIS Symbol Library is widely known as a premier provider of intuitive map symbols. Different symbols originated from the ArcGIS Symbol Library will be included in an ArcMap’s schema. SurvPC Esri is able to seamlessly read, present, and change this symbology within the Esri Map’s schema.
Edit Attribute Data
A feature can be selected from the Map View screen and its associated attributes edited from the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen. Selecting a point feature within a cluster of points will present the user with a point details screen where the user can further specify the intended singular point feature. Select Edit → Input/Edit Attributes to navigate to the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen. Selecting a line or polygon feature will directly show the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen.
Edit Existing Point Attribute Data
Click on a selected point feature to view the ‘Point Details’ screen. There may be multiple point features within the area of query; if so, select the point of interest and click on the details icon on the top ribbon.
Within the ‘Point Details’ screen, select the ‘Edit’ button to view the ‘Edit Point’ screen.
Within the ‘Edit Point’ screen, select the ‘Input/Edit Attributes’ button to view the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen.
The ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen allows the user to change the attribute values of the selected map feature code.
Edit Point Symbology
Our ArcMap document is zoomed and panned to a specific section with several points.
Highlighted are 3 points, all currently in feature code (Layer) DTM_PUNT. Clicking on the left point shows the ‘Point Details’ screen.
Clicking on the ‘Edit’ button opens the ‘Edit Point’ screen where the ‘Input/Edit Attributes’ button is found. Selecting the ‘Input/Edit’ button presents the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen where the attributes of that point are shown. One of the attributes, found on page 2, is called ‘Soort DTM punt’ which will allow for the symbology to be viewed and edited. Currently, the point symbology is set to ‘Hoogtepunt’ (High Point), symbolized by a brown dot.
The symbology can be edited by selecting the dropdown menu arrow on the right of the dialogue box. This dropdown menu will show the symbols included in the schema.
Selecting another point type will change the point symbol shown in the Map View screen. For example, selecting ‘Trap’ (second from the bottom) will change the point type and the symbol shown in the Map View.
The selected point within Feature Code DTM_PUNT now has the ‘Trap’ Symbology, as shown in the figure above. Using a variety of symbols to represent data point attributes clearly is a powerful tool, and is easily utilized using the steps shown above.
Edit Point Aliases
Point ID, Description, Elevation, and Codes can be aliased to match a preconfigured attribute within a feature. This requires coordination between the ArcGIS document Administrator and the Surveyor. Point ID, descriptions, elevations, and codes within data acquired in the field is usually stored outside the ArcGIS document. This data is stored in the CSCRD prefixed file automatically by default by SurvPC Esri.
If the ArcGIS document Administrator has an attribute where one of these data elements can be stored, they need to inform the Surveyor. The Surveyor, in SurvPC Esri, can then alias one of these data element to match the attribute name setup in the ArcGIS document.
As a simple example, the ArcGIS document Administrator may want to include the point description as an attribute within a Feature Class. They can create an attribute name ‘Field Description’ for this inclusion. The Administrator then informs the Surveyor of this intention. The Surveyor can then alias the default point ‘Description’ to ‘Field Description’. SurvPC Esri will then include this attribute within the database. When the database is subsequently opened by the ArcGIS document Administrator, this new ‘Aliased’ point attribute will be included automatically.
The Edit Point Aliases command can be found within the Points menu; click on File → Points to access this command.
Click on the ‘Aliases’ button to begin the edit point alias command.
In our example, we are selecting the ‘Description’ field. The green check saves this change and allows us to continue.
The Surveyor can now see the Available Attributes table with the newly setup title as an alias option; ‘Field Description’ in our example. This option can be selected and click on the ‘Set New Alias’ button to complete the command. The data acquisition routine will not change for the Surveyor in the field, and this new attribute will be automatically included in the database.
Edit Existing Line or Polygon Attribute Data
Click on a selected Line or Polygon feature to view the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen. This screen allows attributes associated with the selected feature code to be viewed and edited.
Edit Line Symbology
Our ArcMap document is zoomed and panned to a specific section showing a line.
Clicking on this line will show the ‘Edit GIS Data’ screen, where the line attribute data is shown.
One of the attributes is the linetype (shown near the middle) with symbology, currently ‘Eiendomsgrense’. This line has a symbology property of a red line. Clicking on this attribute’s dropdown, we can see the different categories provided within the ArcGIS schema.
To change the line symbology to ’Bruksrettsgrense’, with a property of a yellow line, we select it and click ‘Save’.
Edit Lines and Polygons
Lines and polygons can be edited within the Map View screen. Some editing routines will be highlighted in this section.
Delete from the Map View screen
Points and lines can be deleted from the Map View screen. Simple examples of each are shown below.
Delete a Point
A point can be deleted from within the ‘Point Details’ screen. In either map or survey screens, click on the point and select the ‘Delete’ button. Upon confirmation, the point will successfully be deleted.
Note: A point may be deleted in either the map or survey screens.
Delete a Line or Polygon
A line or polygon can be deleted using the Erase command. Enable the command by selecting Draw → Erase.
Select the line or polygon to be erased.
Press enter (or the green ‘return’ button on the upper-right) to complete the command.