Feature Code List

Feature Code List is a file menu accessed command allowing the user to view and edit the feature codes and their associated attributes, elements, and properties. When an Esri ArcMap document is loaded, SurvPC Esri will import all ArcGIS Desktop feature classes. Each feature class will be automatically named as an MXD file (1MXD, 2MXD, etc…). SurvPC Esri assigns each feature class with an MXD Feature Code. The names of the feature codes imported may be aliased, or renamed, through this command as well.

File - Feature Code List

MXD Auto-Generation

When an ArcMap document (.mxd) is loaded, SurvPC will import the Esri Map’s features (Points, Lines, and Polygons) into the program as codes. These codes are defaulted as 1MXD, 2MXD, … , nMXD and stored in this fashion. The codes can be viewed in FileàFeature Code List, as shown in the figure below.

Feature Codes loaded by default into SurvPC as MXD's

With the Esri Map’s features loaded into SurvPC as MXD codes, the user can rename (Alias) the MXDs. Aliasing the MXDs is powerful feature that allows feature code nomenclature adaptation to differing user preferences. The process of aliasing an MXD is further described below.

Alias an MXD

MXD’s can be viewed in FileàFeature Code List (as shown above). Any MXD code can be aliased to a maximum 19-character name with no spaces. As an example, we will rename ‘6MXD’ to ‘Property_Border_Pts’. Click on the MXD row and select the ‘Edit’ button. This will show the ‘Edit Code’ screen.

'Edit Code' screen

Highlighted in the figure above is the Alias box for 6MXD. Click on the input box and type in the preferred name; in our example we use ‘Property_Border_Pts’. Select the green check when finished.

Alias an MXD

Once the green check is selected, the MXD is now aliased with the new name; our example is now ‘Property_Border_Pts’. In the ‘Code List’ screen, the renamed code is now displayed (shown below).

The Defaulted ‘6MXD’ now Aliased as 'Property_Border_Pts'

If the changes made are agreeable, they can be saved. There are two options to save:

  1. Option 1: Click on the ‘Back’ icon, . SurvPC will warn the user the changes have not been saved and prompt the user to save.
    Save Changes to Current .fcl File

    Click on the ‘Yes’ button to save changes and return to the main menu.

  2. Option 2: Click on ‘Save As’ to open the ‘Feature Code List’ screen to enter a new name or retain the current Feature Code List (.fcl) file. Selecting the green check will save the changes made.
    Save the Changes in .fcl File

    The user can rename any and / or all of the MXD codes – limitations for the new names are:

All MXD codes, aliased or default, are stored within the. gnt file located in the same folder as the. mxd file.

Change the Number and Order of Point Attribute Fields

The order and number of attributes shown in the field can be changed using SurvPC Esri. This is done by clicking on the ‘Custom’ button found in FileàFeature Code ListàEditàEdit Feature, highlighted below.

'Custom' Button

When the ‘Custom’ button is clicked, the user will be presented with the ‘Feature Code’ screen.

Feature Code Custom screen for DTM_PUNT

The attributes associated with the selected feature code are shown in the lower window, in the order of the original schema. SurvPC Esri can use this custom screen to select a subset from the list of available attributes and their order. Select the attribute(s) in the lower window and click the ‘Add’ button. This will add the selected attributes into the upper window. The order can be manipulated by using the ‘Up’/’Down’ buttons. In our Example, INWINNINGSDATUM and PROJECTCODE were added and the ‘Up’/’Down’ buttons were used to create the order with PROJECTCODE first and INWINNINGSDATUM second.

Custom Attributes and Order Selected

With the custom attributes and order now selected, click the green check to exit out of this screen, save, and the green check again to return to the ‘Code List’ screen. Storing a point reflects the custom attributes in the preferred order (as shown in the figure below).

Feature Code Attributes Now Showing Custom List and Order

Augmenting the prompts to limit and/or order attributes can be extremely useful to streamline the fieldwork process. SurvPC Esri can also be configured to automatically fill out attribute data. This is done using equations with the ‘Custom’ button, and is discussed in detail below.

Equations with Point Attributes

When using the ‘Custom’ button (FileàFeature Code ListàEditàEdit Feature screen), the user may employ equations. The purpose of these equations is to automatically fill in appropriate feature code attribute data while in the field. This option can be used to accelerate and automate field data acquisition.

To add an equation for a particular attribute, add an attribute to include it in the upper window, click on the selected attribute in the upper window and then click ‘Equations’. This will present the user with the ‘Special codes’ screen.

'Equations' Button in Custom screen
Equations – 'Special codes' screen

In our example, within DTM_PUNT, we created a Custom list for Projectcode and Inwinningsdatum (Collection date). Highlighting Inwinningsdatum and clicking on ‘Equations’ lead us to the ‘Special codes’ screen. Since Inwinningsdatum is a date field, ‘Date’ is selected. Once the green check is clicked, an equation for Inwinningsdatum is set to automatically input this attribute data. Storing a feature code DTM_PUNT in the field will now present the user with the following screen.

Attribute is Auto-Filled

In the above figure, the attribute Inwinningsdatum (Collection Date) is now automatically filled in with the current date of the PC SurvPC Esri is running on. This is automatic and instant, thus creating a more efficient workflow for data collection. Many of the attributes can be automatically filled in this way, adding more data to each feature code without adding any more time in the field.

Add a Measurement Option to a Feature Code Attribute

Some attribute data can be obtained by specific measurements in the field, such as the width of a ditch or the height of a sign. The attribute will need to be configured for this specific measurement. The ‘Measure Button’ can be used for this. Using the ‘Measure’ button allows specific measurements for specific attributes.

Measure Buttons

In order for the ‘Measure Button’ option to operate properly, be sure to have both of the following:

  1. The attribute has value type ‘Real’ (FileàFeature Code ListàEditàEdit Feature).
  2. ‘Use GIS Attributes for Complex Measurements’ is enabled (FileàJob SettingsàOptions).
  3. Given the two prerequisites are met, go to the ‘Feature’ screen (FileàFeature Code ListàEditàEdit Feature) and click on the ‘Measure Button’. This will open the categorized ‘Feature’ screen (in our example ‘NO CATEGORY – DTM_PUNT’ is used). The list of available attributes will be shown on the lower section of the screen. Select the attribute for the measure button addition (in our example ‘Z-Waarde’ is selected).

    Adding a Height Measurement to the Attribute 'Z-WAARDE'

    This will enable the ‘Measure’ button for Height within the attribute ‘Z-WAARDE’ and is indicated by the Height Icon now shown next to the selected attribute.

    Height Measurement Type Added for Attribute 'Z-WAARDE'

    With this inclusion, two measurement buttons are now shown next to the attribute when storing a point.

    Measurement Buttons as seen in the Field

    The height value will be calculated as the difference between the two measurement buttons. Click on the first ‘Measure’ button to obtain a measurement. A green circle with check mark will show once the measurement is made. Click on the second ‘Measure’ button to obtain a second measurement. A green circle with check mark will show once a measurement is successfully acquired. When both measurements are made, the value will be calculated and displayed.

    Value Calculated Using Measurement Buttons