SurvPC Esri by Carlson Software provides the ability to view ArcGIS data in a rich and meaningful way. The ArcGIS document will appear identical to that of the ArcGIS software. The unique and powerful mapping tools available in the ArcGIS software are displayed in the SurvPC environment. Familiarity with the ArcGIS software automatically creates familiarity with the SurvPC Esri environment. Map items that are shown include shading, coloring, hatching, symbology, and text.
Map View
The ArcGIS document will be shown in the Map View with its common map screen controls. While in Map View, points, lines, and polygons can be viewed, created and/or edited:
Survey View
In much the same display format of the Map View, ArcGIS content is also displayed while in surveying/data collection routines such as Store Points:
Esri ArcGIS Engine Features
In addition to a configurable display, a few of the ArcGIS graphical features are outlined below:
- Pre-assigned Hatching Precedence: Hatching/shading has pre-assigned precedence, so foreground hatches (e.g. buildings) will overlay and cover up background hatching (e.g. land uses). These relationships are defined in the schema of the Esri ArcGIS document and can be viewed or customized in the Feature Manager command:
- Features and Annotation Precedence: The zoom scale (zoom in = larger scale, zoom out = smaller scale) allows for features and annotation to appear or disappear from the display. The built-in intelligence of the ArcGIS document allows for this to happen. As the view resolution changes, details can be exposed or hidden:
Layer/Feature Manager
At the heart of the SurvPC Esri interface is the Feature Manager which provides extensive control to the underlying GIS schema whose content can be accessed in several locations:
- Feature Code Library
- Survey Screen (Layer) Information Button
- Map Screen Current Feature Identifier
- Map Screen Layer Command
Note: Features tend to be unique to the owner of the data. Information shown herein is for illustrative purposes.
- Checked/Unchecked: (On/Off) A feature can be enabled (checked) for viewing or disabled (unchecked) to hide the feature. The user may check/uncheck single entries (e.g. Topo Area) and/or an entire category (e.g. Topo):
- Selectable: This checkbox allows for a feature to be picked on the map.
- Up/Down: The user has control of the precedence of layers; which layer overlaps the next. The layer below is overlapped by the layer above.
- Move/To: The user can indicate if a feature should be moved within the feature classifications:
- Move: Select the feature that is to move and tap the Move button. Its icon status will change.
- To: Select the category or feature that is to receive the feature and tap the To button.
- On all: This enables/turns on all feature elements.
- Off all: This turns off all feature elements except the Current feature.
- Remove: This removes the selected feature.
- Add: This allows addition of another feature element.
Note: The Add feature can be used when starting a new map to add preferred layers.
- Current: This sets the selected feature as the current feature element.
Note: Any changes in the precedence (or On/Off) of features will be saved in the Map document (.mxd) file and change the appearance for the user. However, this will not change the map appearance for everybody. ArcGIS stores the drawing properties, including the order of feature layers, in the Map (.mxd) file; not the GeoDatabase (.gdb). Typically, field crews will exchange the Geodatabase (.gdb) file only.
Aerial Photography Layer
An aerial photography overlay layer may be added. This is usually placed at the bottom of the feature list within the Feature Manager. This allows layers placed above the aerial photography to be viewed above the background photo.
Note: Aerial Photography must be in the geodatabase to enable/disable.
View ArcGIS Features
The user is able to view the details of any selectable points, lines or polygons that make up the map.
Note: Depending on the schema, the selected feature can have several pages of detailed attribute information associated with it.
View Points
Point selection from the map will result in either:
- Point Details: (Multiple) When "zoomed out" (i.e. a small map scale), two or more points may be presented providing the option to specify the point of interest through the point details button (not ✅) located toward the top center of the dialog box:
- Point Details: (Single) When a single point is in the vicinity of the selected location, its single point details will appear:
- Point ID: This is the point name (ID) of the selected point.
- Feature: This is the feature of the selected point.
Jump to Point:
(Not shown). This option is only available with the special GPS Simulator driver and permits the active simulated GPS position to assume the coordinates of the point.
- Set as Current Feature: This sets the Feature as current. In this example, Control Point would be the active Feature (as found within the Control category) when returning to the map.
- Northing, Easting, Elevation: These are the stored coordinates for the selected point.
- Description: This is the type of Feature Code that controls the attributes associated with the point.
- Input/Edit Attributes: (Edit) This allows the user to add or change the point details (attributes).
- Delete: This allows the user to delete the selected point. A confirmation screen will appear to ensure point deletion is intended.
View Lines
Line/polyline selection from the map screen will show the Edit GIS Data screen:
View Polygons
Polygon selection from the map will (similar to viewing lines) show the Edit GIS Data screen: