If you need assistance with your Carlson Software product(s), several options (including, but not necessarily limited to the following) are available:
- The https://www.survpc.com Resource Center.
- Contact a local, authorized Carlson Dealer near you.
- Content as found on the Carlson YouTube channel.
- Content as updated from time to time on the Carlson Knowledgebase (KB).
- Contacting Carlson Software directly.
Note: Throughout this document and the SurvPC application, the abbreviations of GPS and GNSS are used interchangeably unless otherwise noted.
Throughout the SurvPC documentation are indicators for equipment-specific types of commands. Examples include:
Auto by Interval
These types of commands are usable while connected to GNSS and/or total station equipment.
TS Utilities
These types of commands are usable while connected to total station equipment only.
These types of commands are usable while connected to GNSS equipment only.
About SurvPC
These types of commands do not make use of connected equipment.
Accessing Details
Portions of the documentation are suppressed for printing brevity. Expand or collapse the details via the arrow indicator:
Updating the Map screen
- From the Main Menu interface, tap the Globe icon to access the Map Screen.
- Locate the Tools menu and initiate the Field to Finish command.
- Provide the u indicator (Update).
Note: "Collapsed details" will not print but "Expanded details" will print. To quickly expand/collapse all of the details found on a page, simply "double-click" the page itself. Refreshing the browser page (F5 for most browsers) will revert the page to default conditions.