This command calculates the area of a closed figure that is defined internally by user-entered point numbers or by a polyline picked from the Map Screen.
- Add Pts: Use this button to add cited points to create the figure.
Note: If you want to add a range of points, you can enter in the points in the following format:
This would add the points from 3-10 sequentially, then point 2, then 20-15 sequentially. Additional controls permit the point to be specified from the Point List or a Map Screen pick.
- Delete: Use this button to remove selected points from the figure.
Note: If the last point of the figure is not the same as the first point of the figure, a straight segment from the last point will be used to close the geometry back to the first point.
After clicking ✅, a temporary polyline is drawn and the area is reported at the bottom of the Map Screen.
Polyline Areas
Polyline geometry can be produced by several methods, including (but not necessarily limited to):
- Point descriptions with feature codes (which can be updated via the Map Screen -- Tools -- Field-to-Finish routine).
- Manually drawing the polyline(s) via the Map Screen -- Draw -- Polyline commands.
- Importing drawings (DWG) or data exchange files (DXF), etc via the Map Screen -- File -- .DXF/.DWG/.DGN Import commands.
- Importing the Carlson polyline (PLN) file type (and others) via the Map Screen -- File -- Utilities commands.
Note: The polyline method allows selection of figures with arcs.
When the polyline method is used to solve the area, the program will bring up the Map Screen where you pick a polyline:
Note: You can use the direction icon in the lower right of the screen to confirm or change the direction of the polyline.
At the end of each area calculation, you are asked if you would like to Write result to raw file? Responding Yes will write the area results in the Raw File.