The Calculator command eliminates the need to carry a separate calculator in the field and can be used to perform:
- Standard Calculations
- Scientific Computations
- Unit Conversion
- Generic Calculations consisting of:
- Triangle Calculations (including angles)
- Curve Calculations
Note: The Calculator can be called from virtually any numeric field through the use of the Quick Calculator functionality.
Standard Calculator

Most basic calculations can be performed using this tab in the calculator. Memory functions are also available.
Scientific Calculator

Values can be entered on the X register by typing on the keypad. The values can be rolled up and down with the up and down - arrow keys and the Roll and RollD buttons on the screen. The Enter key finishes the entry of a number and pushes the stack. The C on the touch screen clears an entry.
Note: Additional functions on the screen can be obtained through touching the scroll [<] and [>] area of the screen.
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Conversion Calculator

This option provides conversion between common distance units. Conversions options that are available include:
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This option allows you to convert to/from DMS, Decimal Degrees, Gon/Grads (400) and Mils (6400).

This option allows you to convert to/from slope distance, horizontal distance and vertical components.

This option allows you to convert to/from Latitude/Longitude to Grid system coordinates based on the current Projection associated with the Job.
- Apply Localization: When enabled, Localization information (if available) will be applied to the calculations.
- Apply Geoid: When enabled, geoid separation values (as specified under Localization - GPS or Job Settings - System) will be applied to the calculations.
Note: After completing a conversion, you may enter a Point ID and Save the point to the current Job.

This does a straight, simple calculation converting to/from Azimuths and Bearings.
Generic Calculations

There are two types of calculations that can be performed from the Generic tab:
Triangle Calculator

Use the pull-down and to indicate the known triangle data:
- Side-Side-Side
- Angle-Side-Angle
- Side-Angle-Angle
- Side-Angle-Side
- Side-Side-Angle
Alternatively, use the Select 3 Points From option (using the standard Point List or a Map Screen pick options) to indicate three points that form a triangle.
Note: When selecting points from the Point List, caution is urged to make sure only three points are selected. Selecting more than three will result in a triangle from the three lowest point numbers that were selected.
- Clear: Initializes all fields back to starting conditions.
- Solve: Performs the calculations and displays the result:
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Calculations are performed and the results are displayed along with a button option to Save a summary of the triangle into the Raw File:
Triangle Solution Upon returning from the initial results screen, you are returned to the initial Triangle dialog box with an additional button option:
Calculator - Triangle calculations View Triangle will draw the triangle on the screen for review:
Triangle Geometry Note: As shown in the upper left corner of the image above, it is possible to Plot the geometry through the P key-letter option:
Prompts are then provided to indicate the location and orientation of the geometry.
Note: For each of the following prompts, only the Capitalized letter needs to be specified and the geometry points are relative to those cited in the Triangle image as seen on the initial dialog box.
End/<Base Pt>
: Indicate where P2 should be placed.End/<Direction Pt>
: Indicate the direction for P2 - P1 (i.e. specify the direction for P1).End/Mirror/<Save>
: Indicate if the geometry should be mirrored about the Direction vector.
Curve Calculator

Simply use the pull-down at the upper left to select the desired method of curve calculation:
- Radius-Delta Angle
- Radius-Chord Length
- Radius-Arc Length
- Degree of Arc-Delta Angle
- Degree of Arc-Chord Length
- Degree of Arc-Arc Length
- Delta Angle-Chord Length
- Delta Angle-Arc Length
- Chord Length-Arc Length
- Radius-External
- Delta Angle-External
- Chord Length-External
- Degree of Arc-External
Alternatively, use the Select 3 Points or an arc option (using the standard Point List or one of two Map Screen pick options) to indicate three points or an arc in the project.
Additionally, establish how the Degree of Curvature is determined:
- Roadway: Determined by the distance measurement along the arc itself.
- Railway: Determined by the distance measurement along a chord.
Note: When selecting points from the Point List, only the first three selected points will be used.
- Clear: Initializes all fields back to starting conditions.
- Solve: Performs the calculations and displays the result:
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Calculations are performed and the results are displayed:
Curve Solution Upon returning from the initial results screen, you are returned to the initial curve dialog box with an additional button option:
Calculator - Curve calculations View Curve will draw the curve on the screen for review:
Curve Geometry Note: As shown in the upper left corner of the image above, it is possible to Plot the geometry through the P key-letter option:
Prompts are then provided to indicate the location and orientation of the geometry.
Note: For each of the following prompts, only the Capitalized letter needs to be specified and the geometry points are relative to those cited in the curve image as seen on the initial dialog box.
End/<Base Pt>
: Indicate where P1 should be placed.End/<Direction Pt>
: Indicate the direction for P1 - P3 (i.e. specify the direction for P3).End/Mirror/<Save>
: Indicate if the geometry should be mirrored about the Direction vector.