
The Intersections command allows for the calculation, selected solution and storing of point data based upon standard surveying methods of:

Insersections dialog
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Note: The Enter key moves forward through the edit boxes.

Upon pressing ✅, a Map Screen displays the solution(s) with the option to review and/or store the desired point(s).

Main Measurement

The calculated point(s) will appear on the screen with the input data detailed at the bottom of the screen.

Note: If a solution cannot be determined based on the supplied information, a No Valid Solution! alert is displayed.

Solutions of Intersection dialog (Distance-Distance)
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Within Intersect are these measurement/configuration tools:

Intersect Measurement/Configuration Buttons
Legacy Icon Graphic Icon Action
Store Store Store: Stores the picked solution as a point at which point it inherits the specified point number, description, and the elevation displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Note: This action creates SP records (identical to the results of Keyboard Input) in the Raw File, storing the calculated coordinates for each new point.

Modify Modify Modify: Permits the customization of the desired Intersection values.
Results Results Results: Displays a text-based summary of the solution(s).
More Information
Results of Intersection dialog (Distance-Distance)
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  • Save: (icon) Launches the standard File Selector that saves a report of the inverse to a *.TXT file.

Note: Also within Intersect are other common controls; most notably the various Map Screen View Controls.

Intersection Examples

Consider the figure below containing a 3-4-5 right triangle where the coordinates of P2 and P3 are known and we want to establish the location of P1:

3,4,5 Right Triangle
3,4,5 Right Triangle


This method locates a point at the intersection of two vector directions.

Bearing-Bearing Intersection example


This method locates a point at the intersection of a vector direction from one point and a horizontal distance from the other point.

Bearing-Distance Intersection example


This method locates a point at the intersection of horizontal distances from the two points.

Distance-Distance Intersection example