Station Store

Station Store is a pure calculation routine that will create points based on a station and offset from an alignment and is often useful for calculating right-of-way locations, which are typically defined as station and offset.

You must first define the baseline that can defined by one of the following methods:

Defining the Alignment
Establishing the Baseline
Help Helmet Red X Define Line Define Alignments Define Arc (3 Points) Define Arc (PC, PT, Value)

Note: These methods are virtually identical to that of (and discussed under) Stake Line/Arc

Once established, the routine will prompt for the station/offset whose coordinate is to be determined.

Main Measurement

Although the Stake Offset command will directly stakeout a particular station and offset, some users prefer to pre-calculate the station and offset and assign a point ID, then field locate by Stake Point. Station Store permits this pre-calculation of points at any station and offset.

Station Store
Specifying the Station/Offset
Help Helmet Settings Orange Arrow Station List Calculate Station Interval Code List