The Average TS tab allows the user to define how the software will handle the averaging of multiple measurements to the same point.

- SurvNet duplicate point tag: Indicate a character that is used within a point description that indicates the measured point is another instance of a previously measured point:
1,5000.00,5000.00,100.00,bs 2,5500.00,5000.00,101.00,op 3,5322.73,5657.24,102.36,fp ... 13,5322.76,5657.22,102.34,fp =3
- Coordinate Match Tolerance: Indicate an allowable distance that should be used to determine if points within the tolerance can be evaluated as duplicated.
- 2D/3D: Indicate if the Coordinate Match Tolerance value should be treated as a horizontal 2D distance or sloped 3D distance.