The Sets tab allows the user to define how the software will handle angle sets, reciprocals, and direct and reverse measurements.
Note: Within this interface (Read D&R) refers to Direct-face readings and Reverse-face (inverted or "flopped-scope") readings which are used to provide measurement redundancy in an effort to minimize instrument error(s).
Indicate which of the following measurement routines should employ turned sets:
- Backsight:†
- Traverse
- Resection (also applies to Remote Benchmark)
- Topography
- Stakeout
†Note: If the user measures D&R for the Backsight readings, all Foresight readings that also are recorded D&R will be recorded and computed as angle sets. If the backsight reading is only measured Direct, then foresight points that are measured D&R are then combined to produce an average observation record for the vertical circle.
Additional configuration options include:
- Reverse Face - Angles Only: When enabled and when taking D&R measurements, the program will only record the horizontal and vertical angles from the Direct and Reverse face measurements and will only use the distance from the Direct face measurement.
Note: When in Manual Total Station mode, you will be prompted for the Reverse face distance, but the entry will not be used.
- Auto Turn: This option is for motorized instruments only and when enabled will automatically turn the instrument to the reverse face.
- Auto Read: This option will immediately take a reading after the instrument has turned to the reverse face. You must make sure that the auto targeting option is on.
- Calculate Reciprocals: This governs the calculation of the elevation of foresight points taken with a total station, where a backsight measurement is also taken.
More Information
Note: For closed traverse or high-precision work, it is recommended that you run with Reciprocals off and use the SurvNET Least Squares or adjustment options found in your office software.
- When Disabled: The program calculates foresight points based only on the foresight measurement.
- When Enabled: The program will calculate the distance to the foresight point and delta elevation by combining the foresight and backsight measurements.
Note: This is useful for multi-setup topo work, in particular, where no further adjustment is anticipated.
Reciprocals, because they re-calculate your occupied point by combining the backsight with the prior foresight information, should be used with care, because they will degrade the precision of the work if backsights are not precisely measured, with correct target heights.
Example: If you had a vertical difference of +1.2 going up to the foresight, and then when you backsighted the difference was -1.0, the program would calculate the average difference (1.1) and would lower your occupied point by 0.1 "on-the-fly", prior to conducting foresights.
Set Collection Routine Options
The following options apply to the Set Collection routine:
- Review Readings: When enabled, SurvPC will pause and permit the individual measurements to be reviewed.
- Review Sets: When enabled, the results of the turned set(s) will be displayed.
- Set Order: Specify the order the angles are to be completed. The definition for the abbreviations are:
- BD - Backsight Direct
- BR - Backsight Reverse
- FD - Foresight Direct
- FR - Foresight Reverse
- No. of Sets: This input box allows you to define the number of angle sets that are to be collected to each point. An angle set is defined as a direct and reverse reading to the backsight and the foresight (e.g. BD-FD/FR-BR).
Note: If multiple foresights are defined, only a single backsight-direct and backsight-reverse set of readings will be collected for all foresight points.