This command allows you specify the method and frequency of data logging.
- Mode: There are three logging methods of GPS Raw Only. Select the mode that most closely conforms to what the logging receiver will be doing:
- Static: This method assumes the logging receiver will not be moving (static) during the GPS Raw Only dataset.
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Static logging is categorized as a GPS Base operation. Thus, this option can be initialized by either the GPS Raw Only or GPS Base routines. The GPS Raw Only routine allows the user to tag a point.
- Stop and Go: This method assumes the logging receiver will be moving and storing points (stop and go) during the GPS Raw Only dataset.
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Stop and Go logging is categorized as a GPS Rover operation. Thus, this option can be initialized by either the GPS Raw Only or GPS Rover routines. The GPS Raw Only method allows the user to tag points right away by taking the user directly to the Store Points command.
Storing a point will automatically set the user to the Average option where the specified Readings Per Point will be initiated and averaged.
- Fully Kinematic: This method assumes the logging receiver will be moving continuously (fully kinematic) during the GPS Raw Only dataset.
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Fully Kinematic logging is considered a standalone operation. Thus, this option can only be initiated by the GPS Raw Only command.
This option permits data to be logged right away by taking the user directly to the Monitor/Skyplot command. The user may view any of the tabs within the Monitor/Skyplot screen during the logging session. Since the mode is Fully Kinematic, the software assumes the user would only like to log data continuously and the logging function will remain active.
Note: When the storing points operation is complete, the user may exit and perform other survey routines. However, the logging function is still active so care should be exercised to close the log file when appropriate.
- Static: This method assumes the logging receiver will not be moving (static) during the GPS Raw Only dataset.
- Readings Per Point: Readings Per Point is an option allowing the user to select the number of readings to average prior to storing a point.
Note: The number indicated will override any setting within the Store Points - Configure routine.
- Log Interval: Indicate how often readings should be stored into the logged file while it is open.
Note: It is recommended to go left to right through the tabs, from Current to Comms to Receiver to Settings, to ensure that all settings are correct, especially when configuring a new receiver for the first time.