The Points tab is where the user adds pairs of positions (local and geodetic) to create a localization.

- Clear Points: In addition to the Localization Report button at the top of the dialog box, an additional Clear Points button is provided that prompts if any existing point localization data should be cleared from the list.
- 2 pt Rotate Only: Note: When two and only two points have been defined for the localization, this option is shown that allows you to use the second point in the localization for direction but not for scaling.
- Add: Begins the localization pairing process by permitting a local coordinate to be specified:
Add - Local Point Note: Recall that if you choose the From List method, you can access points in a linked Control File.
The process continues by indicating where the geodetic position of the local coordinate should come from:
Add - GPS Coordinates - Read from GPS: Uses measurements from the connected GPS Rover to establish the geodetic position. Once the measurements are complete, the software will present a dialog that displays the range and residuals of average measurements.
- Enter Latitude/Longitude: Supply a known Latitude, Longitude and Elevation.
Note: Depending on whether or not a Geoid has been specified:
- No: If a geoid model has not been specified, the elevation should be the ellipsoid elevation in the current job units.
- Yes: If a geoid model has been applied, the elevation should be the orthometric elevation in the current job units.
- From Raw File: Permits the geodetic information from a previously measured point to be extracted from the raw measurement file.
- Store Point in Current Job: When enabled, the specified Local Coordinate will be committed as a point in the current job.
- Delete: Allows you to delete the selected item from the list.
Note: It is not necessary to delete a localization point if you simply want to avoid using it. You can disable both the horizontal and vertical component of the point through the On/Off option so that it can be kept for use later.
- Edit: Allows you to edit the selected item in the list. It will display the northing, easting and elevation of the localization point, which can be changed.
- On/Off: Allows you to indicate whether or not the horizontal and/or vertical components of your localization points should be used.
More Information
This is a frequently used feature that enables the use of one point for vertical control only (turn off its horizontal component) and other points for horizontal control (turn off their vertical, if appropriate). Points with no known elevation (0 for example), would obviously be used only for horizontal control.
On/Off - Use Point For - Load: Opens the standard File Selector dialog box and allows you to load a previously saved localization file for modifying or for the purpose of associating it to the current job.
- View: Toggles the display of the Local Coordinates with that of the Geodetic Coordinates.
- Monitor: Goes to the standard Monitor/Skyplot screen.
Note:This is particularly useful to verify the quality of your satellite coverage and your Fixed or Float status.
- Save: Opens the standard File Selector dialog box and allows you to save the localization information to an external file.