Light Bar

Light Bars can be used with either GPS or total stations to provide prominently displayed direction arrows, when staking out a polyline/centerline, or in the Elevation Difference routine, when trying to cut or fill toward a target elevation.

Depth Sounder Green Check Red X light-bar Tab Depth Sounder Tab Light Bar Tab Cable Tab Output Tab Help Helmet Red X

Currently supported Depth Sounders are:

Activating a Light Bar

To activate the light bar, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the light bar.
  2. Access the Light Bar tab, as shown above.
  3. Check the Active option and select the type of light bar you are using.
  4. Set the Grading Tolerance to the maximum permissible deviation from the target path or elevation.
  5. Set the Com Port to which the light bar is connected.
  6. Tap ✅ to begin using the light bar.