The Settings tab allows you to specify aspects related to the functionality and measurement targets for the selected instrument.
- EDM Mode: Options may vary based on the total station selected.
Note: EDM mode refers to the reading method when using the Read button within measurement commands. When the instrument is tracking and the Store button is pressed, all readings will be taken at the fastest possible EDM mode.
- FS/BS Target: Select the most applicable prism being used for foresight and backsight measurements, respectively.
- FS/BS Prism Settings: (buttons). Tap the button to get more information about the prism(s) and their offset value(s).
More Information
- Name: Select the desired prism name to get details about the prism.
- Type: Indicate the type of prism.
- Offset (mm): Indicate the prism offset in millimeters.
- Vertical Offset (mm): Indicate the prism vertical offset (if applicable) in millimeters.
- New: Permits the creation of a new user-defined prism.
- Save: Commits the current values to the named target.
- Copy: Permits the current target to be cloned for back-up or editing purposes.
- Delete: Removes the currently selected user-defined target from the target list.
- Guidelights: Indicate if guidelights should be shown.
- Guidelight Intensity: Indicate how bright (if enabled) the guidelights should be.
- Reticle Illumination: Indicate if the interior of the scope should be illuminated.
- Compensator: Indicate whether or not instrument tilt compensation should be used.
Note: It is recommended to go left to right through the tabs, from Current to Comms to Settings to Search, to ensure that all settings are correct, especially when configuring a new instrument for the first time.