
This tab provides the ability to customize various configuration options for the current job.

Job Settings - Options tab
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Options Summary
Option Option
Create new jobs in folders Default Cutsheets to EXCEL (*.csv) Files
Always show job settings when opening a job Skip Confirmation Screen in NEXT STK Pts
Time Stamp Each Point Auto-Fit Positions/Measurements displayed in the bottom bar
Note GPS Scale factor per point Use smaller font to display Positions/Measurements in the bottom bar
Store GPS Accuracy in Raw File Log Real Time STK Line/Arc Data
Auto Append Suffix to Base ID in Raw File Log Real Time STK Line/Arc Data to COM Port instead FILE I/O
Use Feature Codes for Descriptions Auto Store Pick Points
Recall Job Road Files Store Rod Height as Notes
Auto Load Map Tag Photo Info (Pts) in RW5
Auto Save Map Write MO (Units Record) to RW5 As a Note
Recall World Image Allow jump to current station in road stakeout