
The Stake tab allows you to set configuration options for the stakeout routines.


Note: In the context herein, stakeout is analogous to "setting out" or other such terms that apply to transferring measurements onto the ground.

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Stake Offset Desc

This allows you to define what the ID is called for each offset location in the Stake Offset routine:

Stake Offset Descriptions

Auto Descriptions

This allows you to configure the point description when you store points in stakeout. The very act of storing a staked point is optional. You can stake a point or a station and offset but must enable the Store Point toggle within the stakeout screens to actually store a point. If you do choose to store the point, the description is configurable:

Stake Descriptions

Note: Lengthy stake point descriptions may exceed the 32-character description limit of earlier *.CRD files. For this reason, it is suggested the more flexible *.crdb format be used.

Examples of staked descriptions is shown for reference:

Note: Other routines, particularly Store Sections and Stake Slope (part of the Road module), have their own settings for descriptions. When any automatic description for stakeout is turned on, the program will no longer default to the last-entered description (e.g. EP); it will use the "automatic" description instead. If you type a new description, you will turn off the "automatic" stakeout description. If you delete the default (new) description, the program will return to using the automatic stakeout description. To delete, you can simply place the cursor in the description field and hit the delete key - there is no need to first highlight the description.

Alignment Settings

This dialog allows the user to define how all alignments and roads are staked.

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The Alignment tab primarily applies to stationing-related settings:

Alignment Settings
  • Increment from Starting Station: For centerlines that start on an "odd" station such as 1020 (10+20 in U.S. stationing format), this option would conduct stakeout by interval measured from station 1020. So, a 50 interval stakeout, instead of being 1050, 1100, 1150 would be 1020, 1070, 1120, etc.
  • Extend Alignments: This will project a tangent line off of the first and last segments of the alignment for extending them beyond their defined limits.
  • Stake Start and End Stations: This instructs the software to include the start and end stations as critical locations even when they do not fall on the even station.
  • Stake CL Alignment Points: This instructs the software to stop at these critical locations (e.g. PC, PT, curve-to-spiral, etc) even when they do not fall on the even station.
  • Stake Profile Points: This instructs the software to stop at these critical locations (e.g. PVC, PVT) even when they do not fall on the even station.
  • Stake High and Low Points: This instructs the software to increment to these critical locations even when they do not fall on the even station.
  • Template Series Station: If a Template Series File (*.tsf) file is used, which is a series of templates applied to ranges of stations and transitioning between templates, then all stations entered in the *.tsf file for starting and ending a particular template will appear in the incrementing list of stations.
  • Combine Station Equations: This allows the user to overlap the station equations.
  • Apply Station Equations: If turned off, this allows the user to ignore the station equations so that the station reflects the length of the alignment.
  • Offset Gap Type: Fillet: This allows the user to define the offset gap type used when defining offsets within Stake Line/Arc routine at straight corners as:
    • (On) radius fillet: If turned on, the radius equals the offset and the outer intersecting offset contains an arc with radius equal to the offset.
    • (Off) radius zero fillet: If turned off, the offset to the outside has fillet radius=0 and comes to a point.
  • Allow Reference Centerline: With this option clicked On, a Reference Centerline (sometimes called "Master Centerline") icon appears in Stake Line/Arc and other alignment-based roading routines. This allows stakeout to a target alignment referencing a "master centerline" for forward-back instructions, and for reporting.
  • Remove Sta Eq when Loading SCT File: Special feature to remove reference to station equations on loaded cross-sections. Applies to Input-Edit Section File and Section File Conversion. For example, if you had 4 stations, 0+00, 0+50, 1+00 and 1+50, but had a station equation where 0+75 forward = 0+50 back, the equation is removed, and the 4 stations become 0+00, 0+50, 1+25 and 1+75.
  • Remove Sta Eq when Loading PRO File: Special feature to remove reference to station equations on loaded profiles.
  • Limit Station Range: When selected, the program will not automatically advance beyond the natural start and end of a given centerline.
  • Use Station and Offset List: Use this option to load a predefined list of stations and offsets. This allows the Stake Offset routine to use a predefined list of station, offset, and elevation information as defined by the user. This is sometimes referred to as a "Cutsheet" list.
    1. Select File: Launches the standard File Selector dialog box that permits the *.CUT file to be selected.
    2. Edit File: Launches a dialog box in which additional data modifications can be made to the selected file: Cutsheet List
    An ASCII file with a .CUT file extension is required. The file format is shown below:
    Station, Offset, Elevation, Position
    20100.00, -11.5, 102.34,
    20109.23, -11.5, 102.35, PC

    Note: Omit the field "headers" from the file.


The Road tab primarily applies to road/corridor geometry settings:

Road Settings
  • Next button advances to: This defines how the "Next" icon will behave. It can advance to the next station or the next offset location.
  • Next Button Auto Advance: When enabled, tapping the "Next" icon will immediately move to the next expected stake-out location.
  • Stake Section File Stations: When ".xsct" cross-section files are involved, this instructs the software to stop at the stations within the cross-section file along the alignment even when they do not fall on the even station or other selected alignment stations.
  • Zoom To: This zooms the preview window automatically to:
    • All SCTs: The outermost limits from all sections are used to determine the zoom width.
    • Crt SCT: The outermost limit from the current section is used to determine the zoom width.
    • Custom:
      • Hold Offset: When selected, the zoom holds the actual numerical offset (e.g. 12 for a 12' roadway width).
      • Hold Grade ID: When selected, the zoom holds the calculated position of the Grade ID and factors in widening of the lane. This applies to cross-section viewing within Stake Road.
  • Zoom In/Out: This determines the zoom increment of the preview window.
  • Vertical Scale: This allows the user to exaggerate the scale vertically.
  • Degree of Curvature: This allows the user to define the degree of curve base value in metric projects (100 ft is the default value used for US Feet or US International Feet).
  • Sections Include Catch Points: This instructs the software whether or not the design sections were extracted/stored to the shoulder/back-of-ditch point or all the way to the design catch location. If the design catch location is included in the section, the software will automatically determine the pivot point at the next interior section point for slope staking purposes. The design slope ratio will be determined by the last two points in the section. This applies within the Stake Slope - Section File option.
  • Display Slope as Ratio: Instructs the program to display ratio instead of slope percentages (useful for cut and fill slope display).
  • Use Railroad Definition for Curves: This allows the user to define the use of railroad definition for the curves present within the alignment used inside the Stake Line/Arc routine.


Note: Cutsheets normally store in ASCII (*.txt) format but can also be stored in Excel-friendly (*.csv) format if specified within Job Settings - Options.

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There can be as many as five cutsheet files active at one time:

  1. Point Stakes: Enabling this option permits writing to the selected cutsheet file. This applies to the Stake Points command. The buttons allow the user to select the file, customize the Point Cutsheet report format as well as edit and view the current point cutsheet file.
  2. Alignment Stakes: Enabling this option permits writing to the selected cutsheet file. This applies to commands within Stake Line/Arc, and to Stake Offset, Point Projection and Stake Road and includes station and offset options in the stored file, as well as cut/fill. The buttons allow the user to select the file, customize the Alignment Cutsheet report format, and edit and view the current alignment cutsheet file. A special "centerline-style" cutsheet file, containing station and offset information, can be named and saved within Store Sections. This file is viewable in the editor within Set Cl Cutsheet Format, but has no cut/fill values, just "as-built" data. Centerline-based cutsheets have more configurable options in the report, such as Stake Station, Staked Offset, Design Station and Design Offset. The Design Point ID is one of the configurable items to report, and since commands such as Offset Stakeout, Point Projection and Stake Road do not stake out Point IDs, the program uses either the command name (CL for Stake Centerline, PP for Point Projection), offset reference, or template ID as the Design Point Name. RCurb, for example, would be the name given to the design point in Offset Stakeout for top of curb, right side. This might lead to a variety of ID names for the design point.
  3. Slope Stakes: Toggling on enables writing to the selected cutsheet file. This applies only to the commands Stake Slope and Stake Road available. The buttons allow the user to select the file, customize the Slope Stake Cutsheet report format as well as edit and view the current slope stake cutsheet file. Slope Stake Cutsheets have an extra option to "Include progressive offsets report", and also have different options such as "Pivot Offset" , "Slope Ratio" and "Elevation: PP/CP" (Elevation of Pivot Point and/or Offset Point). Note that columns can serve a dual purpose in the slope stake report. If progressive offsets are enabled, the header lines (such as Design Station) are ignored for the additional information, and you obtain the incremental, delta distance and elevation from each point on the section or template from the offset stake to the catch and then all the way into centerline. These last three options allow you to customize the respective output report. To change an item label, highlight the item, change the Header Label field, then tap Update Item. You can select an item in the list and turn it ON or OFF (no reporting). You can also control the order of the report items by using the Move Down and Move Up buttons. Changes must be made prior to starting a new cutsheet file.
  4. Grade Stakes: With this option on, even the Stake Road - Grade Stake method will output a specific format.
  5. Story Stakes: Will output a "story stake" cutsheet which is a report of all cut/fill and distance information to each breakpoint on the target cross-section if Show Story Stake Report is enabled. Cutsheets for both grade stakes and story stakes (all points in the cross-section) are discussed in the Stake Road portion of the manual.

For each option are three buttons, including:

  1. Select File: Launches the standard File Selector dialog box that permits the specified file to be created/selected. The file name is shown to the right of this button.

    Note: All cutsheet files can be given distinct names, and any of them can be turned on or off for purposes of storing. And finally, if cutsheets are reported from the raw file, a distinct new name can be assigned prior to recalling the raw file and creating the cutsheet file.

  2. Format: Use this button to configure each cutsheet to your liking. Column order and column headers are completely user-defined and any column can be turned off if not useful.
    • Header Label: You can substitute header text of your own choice for the defaults. Tap Update Item after changing a Header Label. These changes should be done prior to starting a new cutsheet file—they cannot be applied retroactively to a file that already contains information. However, the header line in that file (e.g. Market.txt) can always be edited using Notepad or any text editor to accomplish the change.
    • Down-Up: Items in the list can be moved up and down to change their order. For example, if you prefer Fill before Cut in the report, just move Cut down below Fill.
    • Cutsheet from Raw: SurvPC automatically stores cutsheet data and header information to the raw file for the job. You can capture and report the cutsheet information directly from the raw file. Before doing this, it is recommended that you start a new cutsheet file, configure the header lines, and order of information as desired, then run Cutsheet from Raw. This option is very useful if no cutsheet file was established in advance of field work. This enables a cut and fill report by reading the raw file directly.
  3. Edit File: Select this option to edit and review the cutsheet file:
    Cutsheet Editor
    The Cutsheet editor also includes the ability to insert and delete lines. If you insert a line and enter a Design Elevation and a Stake Elevation, the program will compute the cut or fill. Using the Special button, you can increase or decrease the Pt ID, Design Elevation or Stake Elevation by any desired amount, and the cut or fill will be computed. Do not use the Special button to directly modify the cut or fill. If a second vertical offset is entered during stakeout, then two cut and fill results will appear for each point (useful, for example, for top and bottom of curb).

Settings Button

Select this for additional format controls for the cut and fill report:

Cutsheet Settings

For the Story Stake report, options for the Slope Stake report include:

For the Slope Stake option, if Total or Combo are selected, the total distance reported can be from the Catch Point or from the Offset to the Catch Point.

The normal Stake Road command also offers Progressive and Total options for the Story Stake report:

Various uses of these settings are explored within the examples found in Stake Road section.