This command will list all of the points in the current job. Columns can be shifted to condense the display, as desired. The new positions, however, are not stored.
- Job: Indicates the point list is being sourced from the current Job.
- Control: When a Control File is active, this button indicates the points are sourced from the linked Control file.
- Summary: Provides an overview of the information of the specified Job or Control file.
- Settings: Use this button to customize the List Points display.
More Information
- Show Point Notes: When enabled, hand-entered notes associated with the point will be shown in the point list.
- Date/Time: When enabled, the date and time of when the point was last modified will be displayed in the point list.
- Height: When enabled, the rod (or pole) height (if applicable) will be displayed in the point list.
- Add to Next Pt ID: This makes it possible to number sequentially using 1 or add 2 to every point to skip every other number.
- Use Highest Pt ID: This defaults the next available point to the Highest Pt ID in the file after starting SurvPC.
- Display Name: To rename a field, highlight it, enter a new name in the Display Name field and then tap Update Item. For example, Northing and Easting could become Y and X, respectively.
- Elev Digits: Indicate the desired level of precision for the elevation (Z) component of the coordinate.
- Nor/Eas Digits: Indicate the desired level of precision for the planimetric (Y,X) components of the coordinate.
- Move Up/Down: To rearrange the order of the fields, highlight a field and use the Move Down and Move Up buttons.
- Info: Use this button to explore the content that comprises the location of the point.
Note: Understanding the construct of the composition of points is important. Within SurvPC:
- The coordinates of a point may consist of one or more Sessions (or Sets for Total Station work), and,
- Each Session/Set may consist of one or more Measurements.
- For each Measurement, its Details can be reviewed.
- Export: This button permits a detailed report (similar to that of the Export - Coordinates) of the point to be created.
- History: As modifications to the point are made over time, the History button permits the earlier variations to the point to be reviewed and/or restored.
- Sessions: Multiple observations (sessions) to a given point at different times produce redundancy that permits potential errors to be identified and corrected through routines such as SurvNET Least Squares Adjustment.
- Photos: Permits photographs that have been associated with the point to be reviewed and/or changed:
Note: Photographs can be associated with a point during point collection via the Configure - Prompt for Height & Description toggle.
Additional Point Information
- Edit: Use this button to make any changes to "hand-entered" data:
- Override Elevation: When enabled, this option permits the calculated point elevation to be superseded by a hand-entered value. This change will be recorded in the point history.
- Point Description List: This standard Code List can be used to set the description of the point. Controls within the resulting dialog box will vary based on the Use Feature Codes for Descriptions option.
- Sessions: When available, the Sessions button provides the ability to review content that contributed to the point location.
- Photos: Use this button to control any photographs associated with the point.
- GIS: Depending on the underlying GIS features associated with the feature code, additional data can be associated with the point. These GIS attributes will export in the form of Shape Files among others. These attribute features help link SurvPC to the Esri/GIS world, just as the DXF output of linework links to the CAD world.
- Notes: This button permits customized note values to be associated with the point.
- Add: Use this button to create a new point in the point list and contains virtually the same controls as described for the Edit option.
- Find: This button permits you to locate a point within the Point List based on either its by Point ID or Description, but not both at the same time. When searching by description, any part of the description can be used to find the point and the search "gs*" has the same effect as "gs" to find points beginning with gs (e.g. both would find the description "gs Sta 1+00 L25").
- Delete: To delete a point, highlight a point ID and tap the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm this choice before the point is actually deleted. To delete a range of points, use the Keyboard Input - Utilities option.
Point Types
SurvPC will display an icon with each point that summarizes the status of its source.
More Information
Icon | Meaning |
Calculated Point | |
Calculated Point | |
CrewView Point | |
Entered Point | |
GNSS Point | |
Imported Point | |
JobShare Point | |
Staked Point | |
Total Station Point | |
Resection Point | |
Downloaded NOAA/NGS Point |
Note: Virtually any "Carlson blue dot" point above can be represented as an Esri-point by substituting the "Esri globe" icon into the point type:
Carlson | Esri |