Profile Editor

The Profile Editor routine allows field entry of vertical alignment (profile) files for roads, sewers and other types of alignments and are stored in *.PRO file types. In addition, high/low points can be calculated and the elevations of individual stations can be checked.

Profile Editor
Profile Editor dialog
Help Helmet Orange Arrow Load Add EQ Remove High/Low Save As

Note: The format and precision of the station values is controlled through the Job Settings - Station Display setting.

Note: Profile geometry can be graphically inspected through the Draw Profile command and imported from other sources using the Utilities - Profile Conversion command.

Note: The station ranges of the profile and centerline do not need to match. As long as they have station ranges in common, any profile can be used with any centerline for all advanced Roading commands as well as survey routines such as Stake Offset and Elevation Difference by Road Design files.