The Profile Editor routine allows field entry of vertical alignment (profile) files for roads, sewers and other types of alignments and are stored in *.PRO file types. In addition, high/low points can be calculated and the elevations of individual stations can be checked.
Note: The format and precision of the station values is controlled through the Job Settings - Station Display setting.
Note: Profile geometry can be graphically inspected through the Draw Profile command and imported from other sources using the Utilities - Profile Conversion command.
Note: The station ranges of the profile and centerline do not need to match. As long as they have station ranges in common, any profile can be used with any centerline for all advanced Roading commands as well as survey routines such as Stake Offset and Elevation Difference by Road Design files.
- Clear: (icon) Located to the immediate left of the Orange Back Arrow is the Clear button that empties all information from the dialog in preparation for entering a new profile.
- PVI Station: (also known as VPI) Indicate the station along the profile where the grade/slope changes occur.
- PVI Elevation: Indicate the known elevation at the PVI Station or use the Slope field (when available) to compute the PVI Elevation.
- Slope %: Once a second station/elevation is entered, the program will calculate the Slope. Alternately, entering a Slope value will calculate the PVI Elevation.
- VC Lng: Indicate the symmetrical vertical curve length that occurs at the PVI Station.
Note: If a vertical curve is asymmetrical, that is, it transitions from, say, 400 units before the PVI to 200 units after the PVI, then the curve must be entered using the form
(the before and after distances separated by a dash).Note: For sewer and water line profiles, there is typically no vertical curve transition, so this column can be left blank, or 0 can be entered for vertical curve lengths.
- Check Station: Indicate the Station value whose elevation should be checked.
Note: Use of the "+" station indicator is optional and the routine uses the grade and/or vertical curve information to determine the elevation.
- Show Zeroes: When enabled, all numerical values will show (commonly) up to four significant figures of precision causing the data and decimal places to line up vertically.
- Slope as Ratio: When enabled, the Slope field is represented as a H:V ratio (with V=1).
- Circular Curve: When enabled, Vertical Curves will be computed from arc geometry (used in some European markets) vs the AASHTO-recommended parabola geometry.
Note: When enabled, additional R toggles are shown that allow you to indicate if the entered distance should be considered as an arc radius value.
- Load: Launches the standard File Selector that allows you to load an existing profile for review or edit.
- Add: The Add button will create a new row at the cursor position with 0 entries (with the exception of slope, which will compute based on the 0 entries).
Note: To add to the end of your profile, just click the down-arrow key at the right until a blank line becomes available and make your new entries.
- EQ: This button allows you to select a related Centerline and indicate if it is a Railroad format.
- Remove: This button deletes the current line.
- High-Low: This button can be used to calculate local High/Low points throughout the profile.
- Save As: Launches the standard File Selector that permits the data to be saved to an existing or new *.PRO file.