Template Editor

The Template Editor routine permits "daylight" (or grade) segments to be created and modified and used (for example) in commands such as Stake Slope, Stake Road, Elevation Difference by Road Design Files, etc.

Note: More comprehensive template design (including options for curb/gutter "plates", medians, designated ditches and material subgrades can be generated in other Carlson products (e.g. Carlson Civil which is part of the Carlson Select Suite and/or Carlson Construction which is part of the Carlson Takeoff Suite) whose Grade segments and Cut/Fill slopes can then used in SurvPC.

Template Editor
Template Editor dialog
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Note: Template geometry can be graphically inspected through the Draw Template command.

Note: Templates in SurvPC have only one surface; the surface you are staking. To stake out a subgrade, you could enter the surface grade information and use a vertical offset in Stake Road or enter the subgrade surface directly as a template in conjunction with the subgrade profile.

Subgrade Example

Consider the dimensions of the example template shown below:

Demo Template
Demo Template example

Let's focus on the subgrades that are built by the dozer, motor grader or trimmer. There are only three distinct grades to consider:

  1. 12' at -2% (subgrade at bottom back of curb, BC)
  2. Vertical for 13½" (top back of curb, CB)
  3. 6' at 4% (shoulder location from where Cut/Fill projects, SH)

To obtain this subgrade template from the finished grade template shown above, we would:

  1. Edit the first grade to change the 10' offset to a 12' offset and changes its description to BC, then
  2. Delete the Curb segment, then,
  3. Add a Grade segment to account for the 13½' (1.125') vertical segment as illustrated below:
    Add Vertical Grade
    Add Vertical Grade example

    Note: For the Vertical method, some positive horizontal distance (e.g. 0.001') must be entered.

  4. Move the segment Up in the list. The list of grade segments should resemble the following:
    Subgrade Data
    Completed Subgrade example
  5. Save the template to a new file name (e.g. Subgrade.tpl).

Ditch Example

For roadway projects that utilize drainage ditches, four template definitions may be necessary for slope staking:

  1. Cut Left, Cut Right
  2. Cut Left, Fill Right
  3. Fill Left, Cut Right
  4. Fill Left, Fill Right.

The appropriate template can then be used for any condition. Shown below is a continuation of the Subgrade Example above with the the Fill Left, Cut Right (ditch on right-side) with a 3:1 foreslope and 4' wide flat-bottom ditch:

Subgrade with Ditch Right Data
Completed Subgrade with Ditch Right example

Using this template, cut slopes on the right side of the road will find the pivot at the base of ditch, while fill slopes on the left side of the road will pivot from the edge of shoulder.