
The RoboScan routine permits you to turn your robotic total station into a simple grid scanner that can take reflectorless shots along a grid.

Note: The reflectivity of your surface(s) being scanned will dramatically influence the results of the routine. Non-reflective surfaces (e.g. grass, dirt, etc) will likely be difficult to obtain.

The routine has three phases:

  1. Setup
  2. Calculation
  3. Execution

Setup Phase

This is the phase where you will define your surface and indicate a scan type:

Scan Type - Topo vs Scan
Topo (Horz) Scan (Vert)
Topo Scan

Settings tab

RoboScan Settings tab
Help Helmet Prism Status Green Check Red X Settings Perimeter Breaklines Baseline

Perimeter tab

Define the required perimeter (3-point minimum) of your scan area in a logical, clockwise-ordered sequence.

RoboScan Perimeter tab
Help Helmet Prism Status Green Check Red X Settings Perimeter Breaklines Baseline Point List Point Map Pick Polyline

In addition to the Common Point List and Point Map controls found throughout the RoboScan routine, you may select polyline geometry from the map. However, it only supports straight-segmented polylines.

Note: The graphical selection of a polyline also permits its direction to be reversed, as needed.

Breaklines tab

Define any optional breaklines in your surface.

RoboScan Breaklines tab
Help Helmet Prism Status Green Check Red X Settings Perimeter Breaklines Baseline Add Edit

The creation and use of breaklines is important for two reasons:

  1. While scanning, if a breakline intersects with a gridline, it will be shot before the next grid node.
  2. If the selected mode is Topo, breaklines will be taken into account during the processing to find the best-fit plane for determining grid spacing.
RoboScan Breakline dialog
Help Helmet Prism Status Green Check Red X Point List Point Map Pick Polyline

Note: This routine allows you to select polylines from the map. However, the direction of the breakline is not necessarily important and it only supports straight-segmented polylines.

Baseline tab

Define the origin and orientation of the grid that will be used for scanning.

RoboScan Baseline tab
Help Helmet Prism Status Green Check Red X Settings Perimeter Breaklines Baseline Point List 1 Point Map 1 Point List 2 Point Map 2

Calculation Phase

Upon filling out each tab and green checking, the routine will perform basic checks to verify your selections and begin calculation.

Note: Be patient, this may take some time, depending on the complexity of your requested grid.

Upon finishing calculation, the execution dialog will appear.

Execution Phase

The Start button will begin the processing of scanning.

RoboScan Execution dialog
Help Helmet Red X

The robot will automatically move from point to point, taking shots.

It will display: # / ## Points Taken, # Points Filtered

If for any reason, a filter constraint fails, a dialog will appear giving you one of four options:

  1. Accept: The reading will be kept, even though it failed the constraint.
  2. Retry: The robot will attempt to take the reading again.
  3. Cancel: The execution dialog will be displayed, where you can Continue or Exit.