
This command allows you to calculate coordinates of an unknown instrument setup point given the angles and distances from up to 10 distinct reference points as stored in the active job and/or within a linked Control File. The routine follows Resection Sets, if enabled.

Resection dialog
Help Helmet Equipment Status Prism Status Tracking Status Red X Point List Map Screen Calculate Robotics Configure Target Height

During a Two-Point resection, the user will have the option to hold the first located point and the azimuth between the two located points by checking the Rotate Only checkbox. If the Rotate Only checkbox is unchecked, both located points will be held (normal resection).


The Configure option permits various error tolerances and the ability to control Standard Errors and methods for how measurements are taken.

Resection - Configure
Resection Configuration dialog
Help Helmet Green Check Red X


If enough information is known to perform a resection, the results are displayed for review. The input data is displayed in a list structure, and you have the ability to turn certain measurements on/off and recalculate the solution, without the necessity of re-measurement. You can also edit point numbers, instrument and rod heights, and more here.

Calculate Results
Calculate - Results tab
Help Helmet Green Check Red X Results tab Residual tab
Calculate Residuals
Calculate - Residuals tab

When satisfied with your edits and the solution, you can store the results of the resection.

Since there is redundant data, the final calculated coordinate differs slightly from the individual measurements. The command reports the calculated Northing, Easting, and Elevation coordinate, and the difference between the calculated coordinate and the individual solutions as residuals, which indicate the quality of the data. High residuals suggest a problem with the input data. If you select Orange Arrow, you are returned to the Read screen in case you want to collect more measurements.