Survey tab

This chapter provides information on collecting and staking data.

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Note: The screen capture above shows button options while the Equipment Selector has been configured for RTS equipment.

Routines consist of:

  1. Store Points
  2. Stake Points
  3. Stake Line/Arc
  4. Stake Offset
  5. Elev Difference
  6. Feature Survey (For GPS substitute Auto by Interval)
  7. Resection (For GPS substitute Leveling)
  8. Set Collection
  9. Leveling
  10. Auto by Interval (Not available for conventional, non-robotic total station equipment)

Total Station Orientation

Prior to starting a total station routine, the setup information (e.g. occupied point, backsight point, instrument height, etc) must be supplied. Methods to achieve this include:

Note: Once set, the setup configuration when re-entering or starting a new survey command will be governed by the status of the Configure - Prompt for Total Station Setup option:

Note: Instrument orientation routines are subject to configured Sets.

More Information

Single Setup

Single Setup
Orientation - Single Setup
Help Helmet Settings Green Check Red X Setup Remote BM Robotics Occupation


The backsight dialog has Setup and Results tabs showing the results of a measurement to the backsight.

Orientation - Single Backsight

Tapping ✅ completes the backsight setup and continues into the survey command.

Types of Total Station Backsights - Handling Missing Information

The SurvPC backsight procedure will allow last minute entry of the backsight coordinate values if none are found or will calculate the backsight coordinates using the azimuth and distance of the measurement. If both the Occupy and Backsight Points have coordinates (non-zero northings, eastings and elevations), the backsight azimuth is computed, and the coordinate values are not altered.

Known Occupy Point and Backsight Azimuth to Backsight Point of Unknown Coordinates

In the case that the coordinates of the Occupy Point are known and you shoot a backsight point of unknown coordinates, a backsight point will be calculated. Note that when a zero-coordinate backsight point is encountered, the program will prompt the user to Enter Coordinates or Use Azimuth. This prompt appears only when the Use Azimuth option has been selected. If you choose only to Set Angle, the backsight point will not be calculated, but is still a viable entry in the raw file. Some raw file processing programs make use of this backsight point with zero coordinates as a backsight azimuth reference. It is recommended that you use distinct new point IDs for all foresight points. Don't re-use a backsight point ID that serves as a "dummy" point to initiate the "set zero" backsight, unless you plan to re-use it for the same backsight again.

Remote Benchmark

In this orientation option, the elevation of one or more remote, but known, points are used to compute the elevation of the Occupied Point.

Remote Benchmark
Orientation - Remote Benchmark


The term Robotics applies to any supported motorized (one-man) total station.

Orientation - Robotics


Note: The visibility/usage of the Occupation method is controlled by the Configure - Show Advanced Backsight option.

The advanced Occupation command allows for multiple backsight points to be used to orient the instrument, conducting a least squares analysis on all measurements taken. It is sometimes referred to as the Multiple Backsight command.

Orientation - Advanced Occupation
Help Helmet Settings Green Check Red X Setup Remote BM Robotics Occupation Observations

In the example below, the goal is to better determine the location of Point 1 from several available backsights:

Occupation Example
Orientation - Example Advanced Occupation

Although it is sufficient to simply backsight to point 4, from known occupied point 1, taking additional measurements to points 2 and 3 can lead to an "averaged" backsight and best fit orientation. Points 2-4 become Observations. Furthermore, if point 1 is not known, the position can be determined by the least squares calculations, similar to a Resection. Even if point 1 is known, if the calculated position is saved and not overwritten, then a redundant position for point 1 can be stored to the Raw File, leading to more precise calculation of point 1 by Network Least Squares methods.

In the above example, points 2 and points 3 can be considered to be towers and sighted for angle only measurements (points that might reside in an external Control File), while the measurement to point 4 would include both angle and distance.


Observations are the two or more backsight points you want to use to solve the Occupied Point location. When adding Observations, you can indicate which aspect(s) of the readings you'd like to use.

Add Target
Orientation - Adding Observation Target

As Observation points are specified, they are listed within the At: dialog box as shown below:

Target List
Orientation - Observation Target List
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The goal of Observations is to load in advance all targets that will be used for the multiple backsight measurement. When distance measurements are involved, the prism offset can be entered distinctly for each measurement.

General Process
  1. When the entire list of targets has been entered, you then select the target and then tap Measure.
  2. You will be prompted to turn to the target in direct face and take the reading. After the first measurement is taken, you are asked if you wish to complete the set to the rest of the points.
  3. When all direct measurements are taken, you will be asked to continue the measurements in reverse face. If you do not wish to do both direct and reverse, you answer N and then continue. The program will announce, Set Complete. You will return to the list of targets and can then click ✅ to continue.
  4. Here, you will either be led to the results screen showing the successful calculation, or it will report Unable to retrieve solution results. The computed results are shown by clicking Solve.

    Note: An added feature of the Advanced Occupation routine is the calculation of the occupied point coordinates. The degrees of freedom is the difference between the number of observations and the number of unknowns. The degrees of freedom increase if more redundant measurements are taken, such as reverse readings or multiple distance readings.

  5. If you have taken both direct and reverse readings, the report includes data on the collimation of the instrument, provided that the collimation option is turned on within the Settings option.
  6. When set to an actual field instrument, the Target dropdown appears. Prism Offsets can be changed for each total station measurement taken that includes a distance reading.
  7. If measuring angle-only readings to objects such as radio towers and church steeples, you can stay in prism mode but just click off the SD (slope distance) component.
  8. After cycling through all targets and being prompted for reverse readings (optional), you are returned to the target list. If you highlight a target and click Measure again, you are in effect launching another set of readings.
  9. After completing a set, you can accumulate multiple readings which can vary from target to target, depending on whether you choose to skip certain target readings, do direct only, etc. Each direct and reverse measurement counts as a reading. You can turn all readings to a target on or off and by clicking Edit, you can turn any individual reading to a target on or off.
  10. When the process is complete and you exit Advanced Occupation, the program adjusts the backsight orientation with the following prompt, after which it announces Operation Complete. Angle Set.
  11. Within the Edit option, you can toggle off aspects of the reading. If you want to delete the entire entry in the list of targets, click Edit and click the Eraser icon at the top of the screen and click on All (lower right).

Note: For robotic total stations, the instrument will turn automatically to the direct and reverse positions for the selected targets, provided that within Configure - Sets, the Auto Turn, Auto Read and Robotic Set Order options are being used.