The Interval Along Entity command places points along a selected polyline based on a desired distance between each point.
-Select Polyline
Graphically select the polyline that is going to be measured along. A dialog box with additional options is presented.
- Starting Point ID: Indicate the desired starting point number for the point(s) to be placed.
- Descriptions: When enabled, a description for each placed point can be specified.†
- Elevations: When enabled, an elevation for each placed point can be specified which permits you to override the elevation of the polyline at that point.†
- Create Points at Endpoints: When enabled, points are also placed at the beginning and ending points of the polyline and at interior vertex locations within the polyline.
- Distance on Line Segments: Indicate the desired distance between points while in a line segment.
- Distance on Curve Segments: Indicate the desired distance between points while in a curve segment.
Note: "Curves" within a 3D Polyline are drawn and represented by small chord segments that approximate the 3D curve.
†Note: During the point placement process, the prompting can be dismissed.