Draw Locate Points

The Draw Locate Points command (and its Sketch variant when the Sketch option is enabled) creates points based on entity snap locations or through direct coordinate input.


  1. -Coords/<Pick> (OSNAP Point) Indicate the method of point location
    • Coords: Prompt individually for the values that define the point:
      1. -Northing Specify the Northing (Y) coordinate.
      2. -Easting Specify the Easting (X) coordinate.
      3. -Elevation Specify the Elevation (Z) coordinate.
      4. -Desc Specify the point description or use the code list button to assign the description from the Field Code Library.
      5. -Point ID Specify the point ID (number).
    • Pick: Use one of the Entity Snaps buttons to snap to a desired polyline location. The horizontal coordinates are determined and you are prompted to confirm:
      1. -Elevation The Elevation (Z) coordinate.

        Note: The default value is pulled from the polyline entity at its snapped location.

      2. -Desc The point description or use the code list button to assign the description from the Field Code Library.
      3. -Point ID The point ID (number).

Note: During the point creation process, you can access other common controls; most notably the various Entity Snaps and Map Screen View Controls.

Note: Refer to the Command Options discussion for additional information.

See also: