Extend by Distance

The Extend by Distance command allows you to create figures such as buildings, walls and other linear features.

-Last/Points/<Select Polyline>

An arrow indicating the direction of travel will appear. Supply a Distance value to move in the direction of travel.


The full list of options are:

Extend by Distance Command Options
Abbreviation Command Description
L / R Left / Right Two L's or two R's would reverse the direction of the line.
M Move Moves without drawing. Acts lie a "pen up." You can then enter left and right distances.
D Draw Draws after a Move. Acts like a "pen down." Distances entered will draw.
N Number Creates point numbers at the vertices and numbers from the end of the job file.
J Jog Turns off point numbering and goes back to simple 'jobs' of line segments. This is the default condition.
A Arc Draws arcs based on radius point and end point or radius length and end point.
B Bearing (-aZi/Brg/ToPoint/<Ang>) Entering 45 turns an angle of 45°. The option allows bearing entry in all modes accepted by SurvPC, such as N34.15E. You can also draw by Azimuth or to a Point ID.
C Close With two or more segments drawn, close the figure to the starting point.
E Extend Will extend the line to any selected polyline.
O New Polyline Starts a new polyline and creates a separate entity, even though the figure will appear continuous.
S Switch Reverses pointer direction.
T Total Distance Total Distance
U Undo Undo
Esc Esc Will exit the command at any point.