Offset 4 Sided Building

The Offset 4 Sided Building offsets a single polyline and adds end-caps or mirrors a two-segment polyline to create a closed, 4-sided area. Prompts consist of:

  1. -eXit/Points/<Select> Indicate the desired action:
    • eXit: Exits from the routine.
    • Points: Permits you to specify point numbers for the geometry.
    • Select: Graphically select a 1- or 2-sided polyline that is to be offset.

    Note: If a two-segment polyline or exactly three points are specified, a Mirror of the geometry will be performed with the begin-point and end-point serving as the mirror line.

    Note: If a single-segment polyline or exactly two points are specified, prompting continues:

    1. -Square/Offset> [numerical value] Indicate the offset method/amount:
      • Square: The length of the segment (or distance between the two points) is used as the offset amount.
      • Offset: Specify an explicit offset amount.
    2. Square/Offset Side? Graphically select the side towards which the offset will be applied.

Note: Refer to the Command Options discussion for additional information.