Transform Commands

The Transform commands allow you to reposition polylines in the drawing to new locations based on your Map Screen geometry. Routines consist of:

Note: The routines will not adjust point coordinates. Refer to COGO - Transformation for this functionality.

Each of the routines begin with the following prompts:

  1. -Selected polylines > [count] Graphically select the polylines that are to undergo the transformation using one or more of the Selection Methods.
  2. -Base point or point ID Indicate the coordinate that serves as the primary "measure from" point.

    Note: This can be an existing point or snapped location.

  3. Command-specific prompts include:
    • -Target point or point ID Indicate the coordinate that serves as the "measure to" point (used by Move and Copy).
    • -Ref/Angle (dd.mmss) <0°00'00"> Indicate the rotation method/amount (used by Rotate):
      • Ref: Permits you to establish reference direction(s).
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        • fromPt: Indicate a point that is used in conjunction with the base point to establish a reference direction.
        • Segment: Graphically select a polyline segment whose direction is desired.

          Note: Pick the polyline towards the endpoint that serves as the "starting from" location.

        • fromDir: Indicate a known direction.

        Note: Once the from direction is established, the to direction will be prompted.

      • Angle: Indicate a known rotation amount (a positive value rotates counter-clockwise; a negative value rotates clockwise).

      Note: The base point is the rotation pivot point.

    • -Ref/<[scale factor> Indicate the size factor to apply (used by Scale).
      • Ref: Permits you to establish reference scale(s) and their use is similar to that discussed in Rotate - Ref.
      • Scale Factor: Indicate a known scale amount (a positive value < 1 shrinks the object(s); a positive value > 1 enlarges the object(s)).

      Note: The base point serves as the scale center point.

    • -Second point or point ID Indicate the coordinate that serves as the second point of a reflection line (used by Mirror) which is followed by:

      Delete Source Yes/<No>? Indicate if the selected entity(ies) are retained after the command.

  4. -<Proceed> Press Enter to initiate the transformation or tap the Esc button to cancel the operation.

Note: During commands within the Transform process, you can access other common controls; most notably the various Entity Snaps and Map Screen View Controls.

Note: Refer to the Command Options discussion for additional information.