The Import SHP File command allows you to import the contents of a SHP file into the Map screen and includes GIS data with the entities.
Note: To by-pass the storing of GIS data, use the Quick Import SHP command.
- Current SHP: Use the Select SHP button to specify the desired SHP file to import.
- Type: Indicates the type of data found within the SHP file. Common options include:
- POINT: Point-based data (without or with elevation data).
- ARC: Open-ended Line-, Arc- and/or Polyline-based data.
- POLYGON: Closed Polygon areas.
Note: If the SHP file has POINT or POINTZ type, the entities will be stored into the current Job. In the cases of an ARC, ARCZ, POLYGON or POLYGONZ SHP type, the entities will be stored into the Map Screen.
Note: SurvPC also includes support of Measure type SHP files (POINTM, ARCM, POLYGONM).
- Point IDs: For Point-based SHP files, indicate how Point IDs will be determined:
- Overwrite Existing: When enabled, the Point ID is generated from a GIS Attribute field.
- Use New: When enabled, a numerical ID will be assigned to each piece of data.
- Attribute > Point ID: Indicate a GIS attribute field that will be used to establish a unique Point ID.
Note: When the GIS checkbox is enabled, the attribute data will be retained in the GIS data linked to the point.
- Attribute > Point Desc: Indicate a GIS attribute field that will be used to establish the Point Description.
Note: When the GIS checkbox is unchecked, the attribute data will be cleared from the GIS data linked to the point.
- Layer: For ARC or POLYGON SHP files, indicate an existing Layer upon which the entities will be placed.
- Code Name: Indicate a Feature Code that will be used to store the name and the type of the attributes from the SHP file.
Note: Upon importing the content, you may need to issue a Zoom - Extents to see the new content.
Note: The GIS data can be accessed several ways, including:
Note: Tap the Orange Back Arrow to exit.
See also: