3D Pline to PRO

The 3D Pline to PRO command converts a 3D polyline into a vertical Profile. Prompts consist of:

  1. -Select polyline Graphically pick the polyline that is to be converted into a profile.

    Note: The polyline can be a 2D polyline but it must have non-0 elevations.

  2. Undo/Beginning Station <[default station value]> Indicate the desired action or specify the beginning station for the profile.
    • Undo: Returns to the previous prompt.
    • Beginning Station: Supply a desired station value.

      Note: The "+" character does not need to be specified. If used, the syntax needs to conform to that of the Station Display format.

  3. The standard File Selector that permits you to specify the location and name for the subsequent *.PRO file.

Once created, the profile can be further customized through the Profile Editor and used in commands including Stake Offset, Stake Road, Elevation Difference, etc.

Note: If the direction of increasing stations for the polyline is incorrect, use the Reverse Polyline command prior to converting the polyline.

Note: Refer to the Command Options discussion for additional information.