The Isolate Points command is another useful command to reduce screen clutter that will turn off all points that do not conform to a specified point number, point range and/or point description.
Upon starting the command, the routine will be expecting a point number or range of points that are to remain on-screen. For example,
followed by Enter would turn off all points other than numbers 3-10, 2 and 20-15.
- Description: Indicate if you wish to isolate points based on wildcard point description. For example, consider points in the drawing that have the following descriptions:
- IP
- EP
An optional wildcard can be used to filter the list:
- IP isolates only those points that exactly match IP.
- IP* isolates only those points that begin with IP (e.g. IP, IPS, IPF).
- *P isolates only those points that end with P (e.g. IP, EP).
- *P* isolates only those points that contain P (e.g. IP, IPS, IPF, EP).
Note: The description is not Case-Sensitive.
- oFf: Quickly turns off all points.
- On: Quickly turns on all points.
Note: The visibility of the Point Attributes obeys the current View Options.